LDS Senior Missions Tip of the Week: Paying for Your Mission

You pay your mission living expenses to your home ward using a donation slip. The online donation slip will have your name listed under Ward Missionary Fund. Just click the Select a Missionary box, select your own name, and pay your regular monthly mission expense.

LDS Senior Missions Tip of the Week: Companions

It is embarrassing when missionary couples argue or criticize each other in public. Practice now treating your “companion” with respect and courtesy. Members will look to you as an example of healthy Latter-day Saint marriages.

LDS Senior Missions Tip of the Week: Bank Cards

Set up two bank accounts before you leave for your mission, and get bank cards for each of them. In the account that you plan to use for everyday expenses, keep a smaller amount of money. Put the card for the second account in a safe place and keep most of your money in that account.

LDS Senior Missions Tip of the Week: Mission Application Form

Your mission application provides many opportunities to add comments to a specific area of inquiry. Add extra information freely. The more the missionary committee knows about your situation, the better they can inform the general authority who will assign your mission call.

LDS Senior Missions Tip of the Week: MTC Living Arrangements

If you live within commuting distance of the Missionary Training Center, you can live at home and travel to and from the MTC each day. You will still need to pay for any meals you eat while at the training center, though.

By Eustress (Own work) [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons

LDS Senior Missions Tip of the Week: Passports

If you want to serve your mission in a foreign country, apply for a passport as soon as you can. Passports last many years, so applying early won’t cause you any trouble and will save you the stress of waiting for a delayed passport.


LDS Senior Missions Tip of the Week: Companions

Being together all day, every day can put stress on your marriage. Before you leave on your mission, practice doing projects together, such as gardening, cooking, or studying, and discuss what you learn from your experiences.

LDS Senior Missions Tip of the Week: Health Insurance

All senior couples must have health insurance while they are on their mission. Medicare does not work in foreign countries, so the Church has made health insurance available for senior missionaries to purchase during their mission.

LDS Senior Missions Tip of the Week: Clothing

Take clothing that is loose and comfortable. Chances are that you will gain a pound or two on your mission, so clothing that just barely fit when you started your mission will soon become tight and unattractive.
