About Marnae

Marnae Brown Wilson loves an adventure, whether it’s climbing inside a Mayan pyramid in Mexico or checking out the feasibility of international study programs in Mozambique, Africa. She’s experienced the adventure of starting and running a private junior high. She’s served LDS missions on three continents, two of them as a senior sister. But the greatest adventure of them all was marrying her nonconformist best friend and raising seven very independent children.

Marnae graduated from Brigham Young University with majors in International Relations and English. While raising her family, she created and operated a private junior high school. When she was almost 50, she attended Utah State University and received a Masters degree in Instructional Technology. Since then, she has designed educational software for young migrant students with Waterford Institute and Imagine Learning. While serving a mission in Africa, she compiled and edited Everyday Saints in Africa, a book of faith-promoting stories from Latter-day Saints in the Africa Southeast Area of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. She lives in Lehi, Utah.